Photo Scavenger Race
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In traditional fashion, there was a 48 hour lead time for this race. Again, a tight group of racers gathered who were there to do just that. Each racer shot themselves at as many checkpoints as they could in 1 hour. the magic number was 20 out of 50. The top two finishers rode the course together, and had to go back out to fight for first. Blake Godwin, and Brad Handle sprinted back to get the clock tower, but the market street vent/grate was mean to Brad, so that settled top two.
1: Blake Godwin 21 spots
2: Brad Handle 20 spots
3: Jason Yim 19 spots
4: Walton Brush 18 spots
5: Blake Vonknopka 18 spots
Walton and Blake also raced together, but blake claims walton pulled him. Hope payback is a bitch, cuz those guys are riding cross in santa cruz tomorrow with garrett!
Somehow even after we hosted a slideshow of all the racer photos at Azalea, I don’t have all the images on this machine, so will add more tomorrow. Thanks again to everyone for coming out and making fun happen!
That’s what this bag was made for: chalkboard for hommies.

Who said go?

About 50 spots to choose from


Christian got his cast off.

Azalea gave us a nice spot to gather our thoughts. Blake had one… noodles

Street style yuppie food. What do I do with this fig?


Tell me this dog doesn’t have a 6 on it’s back. Born to race!

Hot rods

Yim coming down Hayes.


Horse hunter

There where a lot of photo themed check points.

The goal was to shoot yourself with as many checkpoints as you could in one hour. Eugene with the trans-america building at f1.2

Any theater

I think this was Blake’s alcatraz or gg bridge?

Chinatown gates

Nice to see people stopping at lights.. even if it’s to take photos.
More soon!
Nice to have
HOCback on the west coast too! Welcome back to the fog kids!
Special thanks to:
My wife Michelle, and