On your mark!

Enclosed are some details from the show over the weekend in LA. We took the seventh day off, but will contiue to post some moments. The entire effort by everyone involved made something really special happen last weekend.

In MASH fashion, EVERYONE put in focused time making this a really complete feeling show. The components inside the gallery add depth, and share what it is WE fan out on!!

This could be yours. Size 55/Large.

Foreman watching over our employee of the month. Damn, damon is rad. A really authentic person, and gives 200%.

Hernan created a mini stage race for the event. Could not have asked for a more well rounded rider on point for us in LA.

Walton was really absorbing all of these shared memories as they came from the shipping covers to the wall.

Best ship in a bottle project ever. Hope someone breaks the bottle at sails this ship.

A vinyl plotter could still be the best graffiti tool of the century. instant authentic look on a recycled sign.