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Another Breakers to Bay is in the books. Yesterday a lean group of racers met at the beach, knowing a cross town scramble was about to go down. With many racers out east for the


, and down south for the


, some young racers were out to cut their teeth on these streets. Enclosed are a few details from along the way.

Dylan and Matt sorting out a route.

Small running race to kick this off.

Dylan Breakdancing in the intersection. 

Back up, and clicked in.

There was not a mandatory route, so the group broke up after the first check point. As a working TCB messenger, Ryan routed this race smart.

Danny Glover lives on this street. Stop by, and say hello.

Lincoln was partly closed due to the B2B, so most racers took this line to get through the Aves.

Giro stepped up Matt’s sock game.

Cliff took 2nd today. Young guns coming up!

Ryan won, and took home prizes from San Marco, Vittoria, Cash, and MASH.

Looking like Ryan won a saddle just in time.