Bay Area Super Prestige Series
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Bay Area Super Prestige Series: Golden Gate Park 11_29_2009

Today was one stop of the
Super Prestige Cyclocross seriesin Golden Gate Park. I cut out to watch Garrett, Blake, James, and Rainier race for a short window, and took a few photos along the way.

The cross community is good people. Getting some horns from a racer mid lap.

Garrett moving up the pack.

They could have used some rain to pack all this sand. Golden Gate Park was all sand dunes before it was landscaped.

Blake pushin it in the Singles.


Garrett, do you think the racers would mind if we stand two feet away from them and smoke cigarettes as the racers turn themselves inside out?

Blake taking the dusty trail on the last lap. Will post results when we get them. Hope you guys had a great day, and got that dust out of your lungs.