CINELLI MASH WORK FRAME PRE-ORDER Jul 7, 2015 Categories: Cinelli, MASH, STORE 0 Comment Today we are opening our second pre-order for the 2015/2016 Cinelli MASH work frame-set. If you missed the first delivery, we will have a new delivery at the end of this month (July 31st). Please contact us with any questions, and look forward to seeing these bikes hit the streets and trails!
OAKLEY: In Residence London 2015 Jun 9, 2015 Categories: MASH, News, Photo 0 Comment Last weekend Chas was in London with a ton of friends in support of Oakley’s In Residence Pop-up. John at The Radavist was in town, and took time to share some details from the weekend. Check in for more details.
FROM A TO B: WALTON BRUSH May 13, 2015 Categories: MASH 0 Comment 2015 has brought some changes in my life. A couple years ago I started focusing on organized racing. I had done messenger races, unsanctioned races, and all sorts of sanctioned racing since the end of high school. All of it was for fun, without putting any real effort in to the results I was getting. This was until a few years ago when I had the thought that I am not getting any younger, so why don’t I put some effort in, and see where it takes me. The first road season I went form a cat 5 to cat 2 on the road, that winter I went straight into cyclocross and won the Elite NCNCA State CX Champion title. Again without a break cross season ends when road season starts, and I got a ride with the premier elite nor cal road team, Team Mike’s Bikes. There I learned tons and ended my season getting my cat 1 upgrade just in time to fly out to Elite Road Nationals, where I podium’d with a 3rd place. That winter, 3 days before I flew out to the East coast for some UCI CX races I crashed in a local race, fracturing my collarbone. This was unfortunate as MASH SF had stepped up to support me by getting me on a bunch of flights in search of a UCI point or 2. Instead I was sidelined and abandoned the end of my CX season so I could prepare for my upcoming road calendar with a Continental UCI team I had signed with, IRT Pro Cycling. When I made the decision to race, I never envisioned being where I am today, the people I have met, or the experiences I’ve had. I am currently home from 5 weeks on the road racing, and as I look forward and plan for the rest of the season. I am amazed by the places i’ll go and things I have planned that are completely new to me 🙂 Walton Brush
10-4 Apr 1, 2015 Categories: alleycat, MASH 0 Comment Our friend Chas, along with tons of good, good people are traveling from Sydney to Melbourne for the 2015 Cycle Messenger World Championships. We wanted to send this guy some stoke. Let’s try to have a good day, Dave and the TCB crew!
2015 MASH PARALLAX KIT BY CASTELLI Mar 16, 2015 Categories: MASH, STORE 0 Comment Today we are excited to offer our 2015 Parallax kit with Castelli. These pieces are designed to relate to the Cinelli frame set of the same charcoal and gray tones. The Parallax series, designed by Garrett Chow, draws inspiration from Optical lens diagrams used to test the sharpness of the glass lenses. Please visit our site for additional information. Customers in Europe can visit Winged Store, and customers in Asia can also support Blue Lug today!