Exposure May 4, 2010 Categories: MASH Frames 0 Comment This is a thank you to MASH and anyone involved with it. I bought a bike. I saw a movie in a bar. My life was changed. Needless tosay, the bike was fixed and the movie was a screening of the Mash video. I wastaken immediately. I felt the enjoyment intensity and the pride of the riderslong before I grasped the difficulty and dedication it all required. My falseIdols were forgotten and replaced by unknown bicycle gods. From that day on Ihad the ambitions to one day maybe, ride like the greats. The bicycle wentfrom hobby to lifestyle to absolute passion. MASH was and still is theembodiment of everything wonderful about getting out and going for a ride.MASH is the reason I get out of bed in the morning and do the things I love todo.These dreams came to pass eventually. I got the opportunity to ride in thepresence of greatness. I proved myself on the streets and in the process Ialso became the very proud winner of one of your Cinelli’s. Nothing I haveever done has given me such satisfaction. I ride with a chip on my shoulderfeeling that I must live up to the glorious name printed on the bike. I smilefilling the tires before rides just looking at the dedication it took for me tohave such a beautiful thing. I beam with pride passing others going uphill anddown. I fully intend on further pushing my limits, and pushing the limits ofmy most prized possession. Thank you so much for everything you all havegiven me both physically and spiritually. Your gifts have made my dreams thatmuch more attainable and for that I am eternally grateful. Thank you so much.See you all further on up the road. Drea BallardNevada